“Professor Rostankowski is an excellent professor. She spends an inordinate amount of time in her office to provide student support by answering questions, providing useful feedback, and so much more. Professor Rostankowski also takes the time to provide in-depth feedback on all submitted assignments. She not only does all this for her current students, but she also takes the time to do these things for her previous students. On top of all the work she does for her classes, Professor Rostankowski is incredibly involved with coordinating events around campus, such as the Humanities Showcase and the Salzburg Program. In addition, she does not take the summer off for vacation, but instead conducts a teacher-led study abroad in Europe. In my opinion, Professor Rostankowski is one of the best teachers and SJSU is very lucky to have her.” — Sophia Gutierrez
“When I think of faculty who “step beyond”, Dr. Mena instantly comes to mind. Whether it is her thoughtful and timely responses to e-mails or her accessibility for thesis guidance or academic advising, she is there for her students. Her dedication and work ethic inspires me each day to give my best as a graduate student and as an educator with my own students. Many evenings she stays late to provide input on our work or to read applications of prospective EDCO students. It’s also not rare to find her around on Friday afternoons when most of the campus has started their weekend. I truly appreciate the sacrifice Dr. Mena made with Dr. Laker last winter to lead us on a trip to Costa Rica–what a great cultural and educational experience. Dr. Mena is a huge part of why I feel like being in EDCO is more than just a graduate program, but a family. On top of all this, she is a dedicated mother and wife–this makes her a tremendous role model for anyone in higher education.” –Anonymous
“Dr. Rostankowski embodies those qualities toward which every professor should strive. She goes beyond the curriculum to cultivate in each and every student she encounters a development of character and adherence to an overarching telos, both in his/her scholastic career, and the rest of his/her life.” — Anonymous