SHREI Fellowship | Stanford University

11/25/13 – Mary Conroy (2011 SJSU Salzburg Fellow & 2007 SJCC Salzburg Fellow) is serving as a Fellow with the Stanford Human Rights Education Initiative (SHREI) during the 2013-2014 academic year.  Founded in 2010, SHREI brings California Community College faculty together with three units at Stanford University – the Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies (ICA), the Program on Human Rights (PHR), and the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) – to exchange ideas, develop new curricula, and advance the teaching of Human Rights at the community college level.  The Program’s goal is to promote the internationalization of community college curricula through Human Rights education, in California and nationally, and to serve as a model of how faculty from various disciplines and institutions can work together to create pedagogic resources for one another.

Congressional Intern | Congressman Michael Honda

11/25/13 – Kanza Naqvi (2012 Salzburg Scholar | Senior – Political Science) has been selected for a Congressional Internship in the San Jose office of Congressman Michael Honda, who has represented the 17th Congressional District of California since 2001.  Her responsibilities include creating correspondence, working with constituents, creating caseworks to resolve issues with federal agencies, and representing the Congressman at various events.

World Changer Scholarships

11/16/13 – The new World Changers Scholarship Program in the SJSU College of Business is inviting applications from all SJSU students to become a World Changer Scholar.  The Program is seeking students at SJSU who “challenge the status quo, seek positive change in the world, and have radically new ideas that could potentially impact their local and global environments.”   Recipients will receive up to $500 for their world changing idea.  Contact Travis Lopez (2012 Salzburg Scholar & 2013 Outstanding Graduating Senior), who founded the Program in Spring 2013, for more information.

Peter Lee Memorial Lecture | SJSU I-Week

11/12/13 @ 12:00-1:15 in ENGR 189 – The College of International & Extended Studies and the SJSU Salzburg Program are hosting James Warren (SJSU Alumnus and Regional Director for Fulbright programs in Southeast Asia).  Mr. Warren will deliver the 2013 Peter Lee Memorial Lecture, speaking about American Assistance Abroad – What Works and What Doesn’t in a Time of Shrinking American Presence.  The highlight of SJSU’s annual International Week celebration, it is the major globally-oriented public talk for the campus as a whole each year.  See attached flyer or contact Peter Young (2012 Salzburg Fellow | Director – Silicon Valley Center for Global Studies) for more information.