HUM 128 | 20th Century From a Global Perspective (Europe)

6/11-30/14 – Applications are invited from students to participate in a 3-unit | 3-week study abroad course course on The 20th Century From a Global Perspective led by Cynthia Rostankowski (2010 Salzburg Fellow & Director | Humanities Honors Program).  Participants in HUM 128 will visit historic sites in Germany, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands to explore the impact of major European events and developments from a humanistic point of view.  All-inclusive costs are approx $4,950, but this may be less if more students enroll.  Participants must have successfully passed the WST to receive credit for this course.  Applicants should submit the FLP Application Form as soon as possible.  Contact Dr. Rostankowski directly via email, campus phone (408-924-4508), or at her campus office (CL 441).


HUM 128 | 20th Century From a Global Perspective (Europe)

6/11-30/14 – Applications are invited from students to participate in a 3-unit | 3-week study abroad course course on The 20th Century From a Global Perspective led by Cynthia Rostankowski (2010 Salzburg Fellow & Director | Humanities Honors Program).  Participants in HUM 128 will visit historic sites in Germany, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands to explore the impact of major European events and developments from a humanistic point of view.  All-inclusive costs are approx $4,950, but this may be less if more students enroll.  Participants must have successfully passed the WST to receive credit for this course.  Applicants should submit the FLP Application Form as soon as possible.  Contact Dr. Rostankowski directly viaemail, campus phone (408-924-4508), or at her campus office (CL 441).


Campus Sustainability Project | SJSU

3/21/14 – Applications are due from faculty who are interested in participating in a unique workshop (April 25, 2014 @ 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM) that focuses on helping them incorporate sustainability into their classes.  Faculty completing workshop requirements will receive a $200 stipend and obtain valuable tools for engaging students and assessing GE student learning objectives.  Contact Michael Fallon (2009 Salzburg Fellow) or access the Call for Applications issued by the SJSU Sustainability Board for more information.

MCOM 180 | Global Leadership (Paris and Madrid)

6/16-7/11/2014 – Matt Cabot (2009 Salzburg Fellow | Journalism & Mass Communications) is leading his fourth consecutive summer study abroad program in Europe.  MCOM 180 is a 6-unit | four-week course on Global Leadership that is designed to help prepare students to live and work in an increasingly “globalized” world.  Visits to some of Europe’s top strategic communication firms, class lectures, and variety of cultural activities will introduce students to the kind of “global mindset” necessary to think, act, and lead globally.  For more information, visit the Study Abroad MCOM 180 information page  or view a brief promo video.  Contact Dr. Cabot with specific questions.


DC Summer Internship | National Council on US-Arab Relations

2/28/14 @ 1:00-5:30 –  Applications are due for a paid 10-week internship with the National Council on US-Arab Relations in Washington, DC (summer 2014).  Interns will engage in a variety of professional work experiences combined with weekly evening seminars that bring academic experts and experienced foreign policy practitioners to meet with the interns in candid off-the-record discussions and freewheeling question and answer sessions.  Contact the Council website for applications and more information.