Workshop: Understanding Statistics

Understanding Statistics

A short talk on the basic concepts underlying statistical analysis: the standard distribution, probability and the Bell Curve, why research papers always include sections on hypothesis testing and error tests. No math, a few pictures, maybe some poker chips.

Monday April 7, 2014
4 p.m.
Clark 318

Joe Rogers is a grad student in the MA Linguistics program who headed to the Math Dept. for stat class after surviving the comp ling courses. Come find out what he remembers from a winter session of Statistics 95.



LLD Commencement, 2014

Congratulations graduates!  The Linguistics & Language Development Commencement Ceremony will be taking place as described below.  This is for our departmental graduation, not the SJSU-wide ceremony (which is free).  As a graduate, you are free to attend either ceremony, or both.  For info on the SJSU-wide ceremony, visit their webpage.  If you plan to attend our Department’s Commencement Ceremony, please read below and bookmark this page for your records.

Date:  May 9th, Friday
Time:  5:00pm to 7:00pm
Location:  Engineering 189 (On the 1st floor, facing the new wing of the Student Union).  Map.


Cost will be $15.00 per person.  Tickets go on sale April 14th.  Tickets will be sold in-person at the department’s front desk, cash only.  Additional tickets are likely to become available.  An email notification will go out before April 14th to announce the ticket sales.  NOTE:  tickets are still available!  The previous seat limit has been lifted, there are plenty of spaces!  Also, if you are interested in requesting a scholarship ticket, please email


How to register for graduation:

  1. Email and RSVP.  Let us know how many tickets you plan to purchase, and info on your gown rental.  If you are NOT planning on walking with us, it would help us to know that as well!
  2. Purchase tickets starting on April 14th.
  3. Pick up gown rentals on May 5th – 8th.
  4. Be gowned and ready to walk at 5pm sharp on May 9th!


For questions & special accommodations, please contact our Department’s secretary, Cookie Galvan at



Gown Rentals:
Every year, the LLD Student Association rents gowns as a fundraiser for considerably less than what they cost new.  The cost will be $30.00 for both a gown and cap.  We also have a limited number of masters hoods available for an additional $5.00.  We will not be providing tassels this year, please purchase A WHITE TASSEL (Humanities undergraduate) or a BLACK TASSEL (Masters Program)  on your own any time at the SJSU bookstore (for $9.00).

Sizes & Availability: 
Bachelors:  5’0″-5’2″ (0),  5’3″- 5’5″ (3),   5’6″-5’8″ (1),   5’9″-5’11” (1),   6’0″-6’2″ (2)
Masters:  5’0″-5’2″ (1),  5’3″- 5’5″ (4),   5’6″-5’8″ (5),   5’9″-5’11” (3),   6’0″-6’2″ (0)

To rent a gown, email and say 1) The size and type you are requesting and 2) if you’d like to rent a masters hood as well.  They will be assigned first-come-first-serve based on the email timestamp.  You can pay for your gown rental at the same time you pay for your tickets at the front desk on 4th floor Clark.

Rosies & Posies will be outside the ceremony selling flowers and leis for students beginning at 4:00 pm.  You can call in any order to guarantee that students  receive that special lei or a special flower order at 408-293-3773 and they can pick the order up at the ceremony!  BONUS the department will receive 20% of all sales…….. What a wonderful way to show their support to the department one last time.


Buy a gift for your graduate!  Support the LLDSA by shopping in our online store:


Video: The 2013 Linguistics & TESOL Symposium at SJSU

This is a video record of the 2013 Linguistics & TESOL Symposium at San José State University, organized by the Lingustics & Language Development Student Association.  Schedule of talks is listed below the video.  Thank you all who came and participated – now you can join us from anywhere in the world!

Talks given at the Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, sponsored by the Linguistics & Language Development Student Association at San José State University.

1. A brief introduction to Ozolotepec Zapotec. Lorenzo Tlacaelel L. (graduate)

2. Code switching between English and American Sign Language. Leslie Bank (undergraduate)

3. Boom and Whoosh: Verbs of Explosion as a Change of State Class. Antonio Hernandez (graduate)

4. Regressive voicing assimilation in some grammaticalized modal verbs in Standard English. Joshua Agee (undergraduate)

5. English for Special Purpose: Language Learning for Day Workers. Bob Lanz (graduate)

6. So I went and did this study, but did I “go” anywhere? The Constructionalization of English GO AND V. Robin Melnick (alumnus: Stanford)

7. Variable voicing assimilation of Spanish /s/. Robert Pugh (graduate)

8. The function of bare classifiers in Khatso discourse.  Chris Donlay (alumnus: UCSB)

Welcome to the LLD Blog


This blog is an RSS-implementation hack devised by the crafty grad students at San José State University’s Department of Linguistics & Language Development.  The content published here is pushed to the Departmental Website’s front page, as well as the Department’s Facebook page.  Content is limited exclusively to Departmental Announcements, Scholarship and Registration Deadlines, and the departmental newsletter.

Learn more about studying Linguistics or TESOL at SJSU, including all the info about MAJORING IN LINGUISTICS with any of the department’s additional certifications (Computational Linguistics, TESOL), or the Department’s vibrant MA Programs in TESOL or Linguistics.   Visit the Department’s web page: