LLD Alumni – out in the world!


Lorenzo Lambertino (M.A. 2015) and Yasaman Shahabi (M.A. ip) having a “spartan wug” moment at Google.  LLD Alumni are all over the world, doing great things!  Where are you, and what are you doing?  Say hi in the comments below, and share a picture for a chance to be featured on this blog!

For those of you on Linked-In, join the LLD Alumni (SJSU) group, and contribute by sharing photos, posts, and information with other LLD Alumni.  Link:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6940846

LLD Graduation, 2015

Congratulations graduates!  The Linguistics & Language Development Graduation Ceremony will be taking place as described below.  Make sure to scroll to the bottom for regalia info.  Note!  This is for our departmental graduation, not the SJSU-wide commencement ceremony. As a graduate, you are able to attend either or both of the ceremonies.  For info on the SJSU-wide Commencement ceremony, visit their webpage.  If you plan to attend the Department’s Commencement Ceremony, please read below and bookmark this page for your records.

mapgraphicDate:  May 15th, Friday
Time:  6:30 pm to 8:00pm
Location:  Engineering 189 (On the 1st floor, facing the Spartan Bookstore).  Parking in the SJSU garages is free on that day.

Light refreshments will be available for an hour before the ceremony as well as coffee and cake afterwards.

Graduation Tickets:  

Graduating students will receive one free ticket for themselves. Tickets for friends and family will be $15.00 per person, and graduates will be able to buy up to four tickets (for a total of five with the free ticket). Tickets will be sold in-person at the Department’s front desk, cash only.  Additional tickets are likely to become available in a couple weeks.

How to register for graduation:

  • Purchase tickets at Department’s front desk. (Available NOW)
  • Pick up gown rentals May 11th-14th.
  • Be gowned and ready to walk at 6:00 pm sharp on May 15th!

For questions & special accommodations, please contact our Department secretary, Cookie Galvan at cookie.galvan@sjsu.edu.


Regalia Info

LLD regalia consists of the following required items.  See below for rental information.

  • Undergraduate:
    • Black gown (tailless) – (available for rent)
    • Black cap – (available for rent)
    • WHITE TASSEL (for “Humanities”) –  (purchase at SJSU bookstore)
  • Graduate:
    • Black gown (with tails) – (available for rent)
    • Black cap – (available for rent)
    • BLACK TASSEL.  (purchase at SJSU bookstore)
    • M.A. HOOD.  (available for rent) – M.A. students will be hooded by LLD faculty as part of the graduation ceremony.

LLD Gown Rentals:

Every year, the LLD dept. rents gowns and caps for considerably less than what they cost new.  Cost is $30.00 for both a gown and cap.  We also have a limited number of master’s hoods available for an additional $5.00.  Note:  We do not provide tassels for rental!  Please purchase A WHITE TASSEL (Humanities undergraduate) or a BLACK TASSEL (Masters Program) yourself at the SJSU bookstore.

To rent, please visit Cookie Galvan in person at the front desk on 4th floor Clark.

Buy a gift for your graduate!  Support the LLDSA by shopping in our online store: http://www.redbubble.com/people/lldsasec


LLD Intro Video – Welcome to SJSU!

The Linguistics & Language Develoment Student Association has produced a short video introducing our LLD department, featuring interviews with faculty and students.  Share this video with anyone who may potentially be interested in studying Linguistics or TESOL at SJSU LLD.  Available in HD (click settings)

A big thank you to the students, staff, and faculty that devoted their time and energy to make this video happen.

LLDSA Mixer/Fundraiser – at Pizza My Heart in San José.

Pizza My Heart in San JoséJOIN US this Thursday (5pm 3/12) for our MIXER/FUNDRAISER event at Pizza My Heart in San José, one block from SJSU campus!  Proceeds from this event will go to pay for LLD Graduation 2015.

Even if you order takeout or online from home, PLEASE MENTION “LLDSA” anytime on Thursday and we will get 10% of your transaction before tax.  Thank you Pizza My Heart!

NOTE:  There are several Pizza My Hearts in Silicon Valley.  We are meeting at the one in San José, on the west side of SJSU campus:  http://www.yelp.com/biz/pizza-my-heart-san-jose-3

Thank you to ESL Programs for Practicum Opportunities in Fall 2014

A big THANK YOU to all the ESL programs that provided Practicum opportunities for our MA TESOL student teachers in Fall 2014.

With your support, our graduates have gained invaluable classroom teaching experience!

We would like to thank the following programs for hosting practicum students this semester: