Video: The 2013 Linguistics & TESOL Symposium at SJSU

This is a video record of the 2013 Linguistics & TESOL Symposium at San José State University, organized by the Lingustics & Language Development Student Association.  Schedule of talks is listed below the video.  Thank you all who came and participated – now you can join us from anywhere in the world!

Talks given at the Linguistics & TESOL Symposium, sponsored by the Linguistics & Language Development Student Association at San José State University.

1. A brief introduction to Ozolotepec Zapotec. Lorenzo Tlacaelel L. (graduate)

2. Code switching between English and American Sign Language. Leslie Bank (undergraduate)

3. Boom and Whoosh: Verbs of Explosion as a Change of State Class. Antonio Hernandez (graduate)

4. Regressive voicing assimilation in some grammaticalized modal verbs in Standard English. Joshua Agee (undergraduate)

5. English for Special Purpose: Language Learning for Day Workers. Bob Lanz (graduate)

6. So I went and did this study, but did I “go” anywhere? The Constructionalization of English GO AND V. Robin Melnick (alumnus: Stanford)

7. Variable voicing assimilation of Spanish /s/. Robert Pugh (graduate)

8. The function of bare classifiers in Khatso discourse.  Chris Donlay (alumnus: UCSB)

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