Make a new American friend this semester through the VIP Program!

Are you looking for a way to connect with other students at SJSU and make a new American friend? Sign up for the Virtual International Partners (VIP) program this spring!

The VIP program will pair you up with American students at SJSU to connect with virtually throughout the semester. Over the course of the program (February 7 – May 6, 2022) you will meet with your partner(s) at least 5 times to have discussions on a variety of topics (ex: food, holidays, family, school, etc.) and learn about each other. At the end of the program, participants will be recognized with a certificate of participation, and will be invited to attend our virtual reception for all participating students.

It is completely free, and it is not a class – it’s a great opportunity for you to engage in a fun cultural exchange, learn about American culture, make a new friend, and improve your communication skills along the way!

Sign up by completing this brief form ( by January 21, 2022! The Study Abroad and Away office will reach out with the program schedule and to confirm your participation in late January.

Questions? Email See the FAQs below for more details!

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