Garrick Percival is a professor and chair of the political science department. He teaches courses in state and local government, public policy and American government. His research focuses on American politics and public policy, primarily the nexus between criminal justice policy and inequality at the state and local levels of government. He is the co-author of the book “California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach” (15 ed). He holds a doctoral degree in political science from the University of California, Riverside.
William T. Armaline
William Armaline is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the College of Social Sciences and founder of the Human Rights Minor Program and Director of the Human Rights Institute. His formal training and professional experience span sociology, education, and human rights. Dr. Armaline’s interests, work, and scholarly publications address social problems as they relate to political economy, environmental sustainability, human rights, racism and anti-racist action, critical pedagogy and transformative education, inequality and youth, mass incarceration and drug policy reform. Please follow him and all things Human Rights at SJSU on the HRI website ( and on Twitter (@SJSUHumanRights).