Janet Stemwedel

Janet Stemwedel Portrait

Chair, Department of Philosophy (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Janet Stemwedel is the chair of the Department of Philosophy in the College of Humanities and the Arts. Her research centers on ethics and epistemology, a branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of knowledge. Her interests include responsible conduct of scientific research, ethical implications of science, communication between scientists and non-scientists and effective strategies for teaching science and ethics. She holds doctoral degrees in philosophy and physical chemistry from Stanford University.
Phone: 408-924-4470
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Philosophy, Science, Ethics

Jonathan Miller

Jonathan Miller

Professor and Chair, Department of Geology, College of Science. (Photo by Jim Gensheimer/San José State University)

Jonathan Miller is a professor and chair in the Department of Geology at the College of Science. His research interests include understanding the behavior of volcanoes, how magma systems work, their subterranean magnetic underpinnings, as well as the interactions of tectonics and magmatism. He has worked in diverse areas of the Western United States on both ancient (Sierra Nevada, North Cascades, Mojave Desert) and active systems (Coso, Mono Craters). He holds a doctoral degree in geology from the University of North Carolina.

Phone: 408-924-5015
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Tectonics, Geochemistry, Volcanos, Geology

Katherine Wilkinson

Katherine Wilkinson, professor of biology.

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Chair of the American Physiological Society’s Science Policy Committee. (Photo by Robert C. Bain/San José State University)

Katherine Wilkinson is a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. She runs a neurophysiology research lab focused on understanding how your body senses muscle movement, a sense essential for normal movement and balance, which is perturbed in many diseases. Wilkinson holds a doctoral degree in biomedical sciences from the University of California, San Diego. She is also the current chair of the American Physiological Society’s Science Policy Committee.

Phone: 408-924-4916
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Sheryl Ehrman

Sheryl Ehrman Portrait

Dean, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Sheryl Ehrman is the dean of the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering. She holds a doctoral degree in chemical engineering (in the major field of aerosol science and technology and the minor field of atmospheric science) from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Phone: 408-924-3800
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Aerosols, Air pollution, Engineering, Science, Technology