Presentation Title: Generations of Regeneration

Presenter(s): Rosario Mireles, School of Information

Abstract: Addressing the Three Pillars of Sustainability (Environment, Equity, Economic), and through regular presentations and interactive workshops at Library Xs teaching garden, this proposed project targets community members of all ages (children to grandparents) hence the name Generations of Regeneration. Participants will understand how gardening reduces the carbon footprint (Environmental Pillar). By examining their current practices and evaluating how they can improve their sustainability practices, they will make connections that lead to action(s) that mitigate the global climate warming. Library X is in a community that is considered a food desert. Besides the wealth of information and the skills learned, access to nutritious fruits and vegetables benefit the health and wellbeing of community members reducing the impact of food deserts in low-income, marginalized communities (Equity Pillar). At a time when household incomes have suffered due to the pandemic, sustainable gardening also addresses food disparities and contributes to household food security (Economic Pillar). This project assignment has reiterated to me the importance of having an action plan for program planning. My action plan not only delineates my projects collaborative approach, its measurable goals, its milestones, and evaluation, it also emphasized my projects iterative nature.  I was also reminded that our end users are experts on what they need. Food culture respect and sensitivity by project team members is vital as they aim to modify participants sustainability practices and to increase their consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. (This project was an assignment for the SJSU’s MLIS Course INFO 282 Libraries Take the Lead on Sustainability with Professor Kimberli Buckley.) 

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