Presentation Title: Untapped Spaces: Library Rooftops (An Endeavor in Reducing Food Insecurity)

Presenter(s): Heather Reust

Abstract: This presentation defines food insecurity and differentiates it from hunger, to then detail the geographic and demographic information for the local region of Riley county Kansas. It then proceeds to discuss the pros and cons of utilizing roof top spaces as green spaces and educational spaces, but specifically the Manhattan Public Library, which serves the largest population in the region. It concludes with examples of other libraries that have successfully used their rooftop spaces to educate their communities and work toward alleviating food insecurity in their neighborhoods. It was originally created as a final project for INFO 282 in the Fall of 2023 and was presented as a “Green Project” to demonstrate the many ways that libraries can actively participate in sustainability endeavors.

Link to Recorded Presentation:


One thought on “(2024) Untapped Spaces: Library Rooftops (An Endeavor in Reducing Food Insecurity)

  1. Kimberli Buckley

    Congratulations Heather!

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