About the team

Phat Nguyen – Project Manager for Fall 2018.

Phat is a Senior Mechanical Engineering student at San Jose State University.

Syeda Amena Ali – Manufacturing Engineering Lead for Fall 2018

Amena is a Mechanical Engineering Senior who is joining the EPICS program on the CNC machine project for her culminating year. She is happy to be working on a project that will hopefully outlive her time here at SJSU and also has a busy year ahead as Spartan Hyperloop’s Lead Simulations Engineer.




Weston Everett – Mechanical Design Engineer for Fall 2018




Simon Lee – Computer Engineering for Fall 2018 

Simon is a Computer Engineering major currently working on the CNC machine project for EPICS. His areas of interest for his career revolves around software engineering and web development. On his free time, he enjoys traveling, going on adventures, hiking and bike riding. He joined EPICS because he wanted to work on a project to help him learn as well as benefit the community. His future plans will be to push his interest in software engineering and web development further and continue to learn new technologies.