Applied Sciences and Arts recognized for community engagement

On May 2, San José State University’s Community Engagement Collaborative, Office of the Provost and Undergraduate Studies held the 13th Annual Service-Learning and Community Engagement Awards to recognize students and faculty who are making a difference in the community.

Students, faculty and community members were all recognized for their collaborative efforts to give students hands-on learning experience while also making a difference in the community. For the College of Applied Sciences and Arts, Tamara McKinnon and Suzy Ross received Awards for Excellence as faculty lecturers while Lynne Andonian received the Award for Excellence for faculty professors.

Ross, from the Health Science and Recreation department, was recognized because she has “commitment to strengthening community at the forefront of her teaching content and course requirements,” according to the event program. Ross has requirements in her classes that engage students in service in hopes that they will continue to be engaged throughout their lifetimes.

McKinnon, who teaches Community Health Nursing, was recognized for developing study abroad programs and Global Service Learning Programs that allow students to use their skills overseas. She has served as the interim director for International Health Programs, working with the Director of Health and Human Services. She continues to work with the Nurse Managed Center in Santa Cruz.

Andonian teaches the Psychosocial Occupational Therapy Clinic which provides services to adults with mental health issues in the community. Her graduate level OT students provide group and individual treatment twice a week, which provides the clients with opportunities for goal setting, skill development and diverse occupational experiences.

Faculty from other colleges as well as students and community partners were all recognized at the event.

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