Spring Assembly welcomes back CASA faculty and staff

Dean Charles C. Bullock, of the College of Applied Sciences and Arts at San José State University, kicked off the start of the semester with a spring assembly for faculty and staff. During the meeting, Dean Bullock invited guest speakers to give an update on university news. The speakers included Interim Provost Andy Feinstein, Chief of Staff Dorothy Poole and Chris Brown, the AVP of Facilities, Development and Operations. Feinstein discussed his priorities for the spring semester while Brown highlighted progress on construction projects on campus, including plans to renovate Spartan Complex. Poole talked briefly about the university’s response to reports of a hate crime on campus last fall.

Bullock gave an update on the CASA vision and mission, while also introducing new staff members who were hired since last fall.


Transforming the way our communities live, work, and play


Through innovative liberal and applied professional education, the College of Applied Sciences and Arts develops transformative leaders for just and diverse communities

  • Overarching Goal for 2013

…our faculty and each program will be recognized as leaders in research and teaching across disciplinary and geographic boundaries…

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