By Sarah Kyo, Web Communications Specialist

@chimebreeze took this photo of a chalk drawing on campus. Whether it's orientation or other campus-related topics, you can tweet about San Jose State using the official hashtag #SJSU!
We’ve put together the tweets of the week for Spartans to see the exciting, funny, interesting and spontaneous conversations on Twitter about SJSU. Take a look at what’s happening on campus by exploring the tweets below!
You can follow SJSU on Twitter for more updates at or search for @SJSU.
@fontburger: Week 3 of chalking up campus. Tweet it you tweeters! #sjsu
@OMGitsSarahLew: Is excited for my little sister @jayleww to go to #SJSUFrosh @SJSU#SJSU orientation today! Missing my OATies
@crissydv: I love my job. #sjsu #oatlife #SJSUfrosh part 2!
@JorgeR690: #sjsufrosh group 1 session 3!! Wooooohooooo!!
@MissLlamas: At orientation and can’t wait to stay the night in the dorms!! #sjsu
@CryssOhh6: that amazing moment when you get hired on the spot !! #sjsu#sjsuFrosh #orentation
@terilyntran: Crystal is the BEST orientation leader & being part of group 14 was so memorable. <3 #SJSUFROSH #GROUP14 #COLLEGE
@EricRudawski: Thanks to Brandon Johnston and all the other OL’s for a good two days. Stoked for the fall! #SJSUfrosh
@CaptainRL: Orientation was probably the best way to start my freshman year at #sjsu I had so much fun and met so many different people. #GoSpartans !
@Flaffypanda: The great school spirit.The great diversity of welcoming people.What an environment.I love it here. #SJSUfrosh#SPARTANS
Chatter, Photos and More:
@viverssss: Dad never wanted stickers on the truck till I brought this home.
@QueenofRenas: Today was a good day with the UB family. Our trip to San Jose State was worth the time.
@Silentkillar4: Went to go check out @SJSU yesterday and it was pretty dope! I’m really considering going there now. What a great school.
@sooophieso: I was face to face with this squirrel. #SJSU
@occupymanjose: Chaulk hashtags #sjsufrosh
@clawcasta: Gonna be a Peer Advisor at @SJSU starting this Fall semester. I can’t wait to start working again!
@arntr89: Could really use a back massage… #selfcare. (need to sneak into the health center at SJSU & use their massage chair, hehe)
@prttypinkstacks: I need more #sanjosestateuniversity #SJSU followers !
Spartan Pride:
@jennelias6: Spartan Swimmers At Olympic Trials. Good luck to those competing! #SJSU
@galinaowens4: Spartan Pride…#collegestudent #SJSU
@tinasalacup: I love my prof @SJSU for his advices in my job search! #mentor #vacation #career
@Marco_Henry: It was cool running into fellow @sjsu alum @Sam_Canch randomly today in a San Francisco train. Small world, big network.
@lija: Honored! RT @sjsu Yesterday,we had a great time connecting with #SJSU #Spartans in #SF.Thanks {…} @lija & @MavelousSF for your time!
@Cityboii415: #SJSU #Hoody #ChillinLykaVillain #CollegeBoy #Senior#PsychologyMajor #JusticeStudieMinor
@SJSpartanSquad: Hey Squad! Help us name the #SJSU Student Section! My vote is “Awesome Sauce.” JK. Don’t vote for that one.
@Obey_Marieeee: San Jose State is officially my college (:
@ricky1899: AS breached
@LaLuneSucree: @La Lune Sucrée’s Window Painting Contest Winner Chistina Centron time lapse movie, soundtrack by @orangutang #SJSU #SJ
@sjsucareercntr: Our latest blog post: Employer job search tips for students and new grads!
@lawrencefansjsu Thanks to everyone for their well wishes on today’s CoSIDA Hall of Fame ceremonies. It should be quite a day.
@WACSports: Congrats to SJSU’s Lawrence Fan @SJSUAthletics @lawrencefansjsu on his induction into the CoSIDA Hall of Fame #CoSIDA12
@ajuarez_thatSID: A great story fit for a great man. @wilnerhotline on @SJSU ‘s Lawrence Fan as he goes into @CoSIDAnews HOF
@Mark_T_Rivera: Lawrence now explaining to aaaaallll of CoSIDA about “Fan Cake.” They don’t know what they’re missing #cosida12
@timmbr: What can you say about new CoSIDA Lawrence Fan. Amazing influence on so many in our profession. Congrats my friend! #cosida12
@robbsilverstein: @lawrencefansjsu congrats! Pleasure working with you when I was SJSU manager.
@WIUSID: Congrats to WIU alum @lawrencefansjsu receiving the Arch Award and Hall of Fame induction. #cosida12#onceaLeatherneckalwaysaLeatherneck
@SJSUAthletics: @lawrencefansjsu – Through The Eyes Of A Hall Of Famer:
Note: The opinions and views in these posts are those of the independent Twitter users and not of San Jose State University.