Libra Hilde receives fellowship

Congratulations to Associate Professor of History Libra Hilde, who has been awarded a 2017-2018 residential fellowship in the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University! During the fellowship Professor Hilde will complete her latest book, “Our Father”: Slavery and Fatherhood in the American South. This book explores what it meant to be an enslaved man and a father. For too long, the discussion of masculinity within slavery has conflated manhood with heroic resistance. Some enslaved men openly rebelled, but a far greater number chose a subtle form of resistance as caretakers and community leaders. The institution of slavery denied enslaved men patriarchal prerogatives, but the slave community invested fatherhood with meaning and articulated a robust sense of what it meant to be a husband and father.  By telling the story of the often quietly heroic efforts that enslaved and free men undertook to be fathers, Professor Hllde’s book offers a counterpoint to the dominant narratives about the pathology of the African American family and absent Black fathers.


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