My VIP: Gus Lease (1922 – 2016)
Professor Emeritus of Music
School of Music and Dance

Photo: Karl Mondon / San Jose Mercury News
Shared on SJSU’s Facebook community:
Gus inspired me to listen to Beethoven. To this day, I enjoy listening to classical music on my drives to work. I’m sure he left an impression on many others! Rest in peace, Gus.”
—Jeff Forgeron, ’14 Meteorology
A true Spartan. I loved it when he introduced himself at the introduction ceremony for Dr. Martin and he pointed out that we are not only the oldest CSU campus, but the BEST school in the CSU system.”
—Mike Serrano, ’86 Business
Gus was truly a classic person. I remember working with him on the CSEA team helping to enrich and help others who needed it. As an undergraduate, I also remember taking his music class and writing my first formal paper on a classical musician. On behalf of everyone you helped along your life journey, thank you. You truly made a difference in our lives.”
—Elizabeth Kessinger, Social Science
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