River Trip 11/9/18

On November 9, 2018, four group members visited the Guadalupe River at a location right along the SAP center. The team collected water samples, tested our camera visibility in the river, and collected video data with some fish in the images.

The team collected a small jar as a sample of the water quality and also collected a large tub for further testing of water visibility in the lab. The team collected more samples than necessary because it wanted to do as much testing between now and the next visit to the river. To test the water visibility, the team dropped a toy car in the river at different water qualities. The depth was measured and the camera was dropped in to ensure it would clearly see the object. During the visit, there were also some fish that were recorded. An issue discovered from the trip to the Guadalupe river is that the fish are very good at blending into the background. It will be interesting coming up with a solution to this problem.

Image showing fish blending in with background

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