SJSU President Cynthia Teniente -Matson participates in a panel discussion about the future of downtown San José
Author Archives: Michelle Smith McDonald
SJSU President Cynthia Teniente-Matson Looks to the Future (San Jose Mercury News)
The CSU Chancellor, fellow university presidents and the SJSU community attend the formal presidential investiture ceremony San Jose State President Cynthia Teniente-Matson looks to the future
SJSU President Apologizes for University’s role in Incarceration of Japanese Americans (KGO-TV)
On the Day of Remembrance, President Teniente-Matson apologies for SJSU’s role as a processing center for Japanese Americans during World War II.
Podcast: How Public-Private Partnerships Boost SJSU (Changing Higher Ed Podcast)
President Teniente-Matson shares insights on utilizing public-private partnerships to develop meaningful student, community, and brand experiences. SJSU Public-Private Partnerships Boost Enrollment and Community Relationships
Podcast: Leaders on Leadership (American Academic Leadership Institute)
President Teniente-Matson talks with host Jay Lemons about championing student success, civic engagement and experiential learning.