by Teresa Ruiz | Dec 15, 2011 | Athletics
San Jose State University invites all active members of the military to join us for two upcoming Spartan basketball games on December 19 and 20 as we honor the men and women who serve our country. Active service members can show their military ID and purchase...
by Teresa Ruiz | Dec 13, 2011 | Community Engagement
By Dillon Adams The Writing Center at SJSU recently put on an event with Horace Mann Elementary School. The students were able to participate in workshops to learn about writing and grammar techniques. The program was created to give Horace Mann Elementary school...
by Teresa Ruiz | Nov 30, 2011 | Academics
San Jose State Athletics celebrates this holiday season with the Hoops for the Holidays promotion. Fans of Spartan basketball can purchase $5 General Admission basketball tickets that will be donated, on your behalf, to one of three local organizations, Big Brothers...
by Teresa Ruiz | Nov 21, 2011 | Athletics
San Jose State Athletics and leading technology service provider NeuLion, Inc. launched San Jose State’s new mobile solution for the Apple iPhoneTM, SJSUSpartans. “We are thrilled to offer Spartan fans a mobile sollution with the debut of the SJSUSpartans...
by Teresa Ruiz | Nov 21, 2011 | Athletics, Community Engagement
San Jose State Athletics and Second Harvest Food Bank want to thank you for helping those less fortunate this holiday season. As a reward for your donation we would like to make a contribution to you! If you participate in the Second Harvest Food Bank 2011 Holiday...