Campus community,

Happy 2018! I hope you enjoyed the holidays with family and friends.  After the quiet weeks of winter break, I am delighted to see the return of faculty members and students today. Welcome back!

I want to extend a heartfelt greeting to our 900 new undergraduate transfer, graduate and international students and credential candidates who begin their SJSU careers this week.

Thank you to the students and members of our faculty and staff who are volunteering at “Ask Me” tables across campus. I encourage new and returning students—and faculty and staff members—to stop by to learn something new about the university.

While we are a few weeks into January, today marks the start of our year. As I wish you all a wonderful first day of the semester, I am reminded of the words of poet and author Rainer Maria Rilke: “And now we welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been.”

Let’s make the most of 2018!


Dr. Mary A. Papazian