CBS 5: MLML Director to Aid Entangled Whale

CBS 5 interviews Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Director Jim Harvey on efforts to help a whale entangled in fishing nets.

Experts Search Monterey Coast To Save Whale Entangled In Fishing Nets

Posted by CBS5 April 26, 2012

Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Director Jim Harvey talks to a CBS 5 reporter about how his specially trained team would help “June,” a female gray whale spotted off the coast of Big Sur tangled in fishing nets.

Harvey, who has spent the past 35 years saving whales, including a rescue depicted in the recent film “Big Miracle,” describes the team’s tactics and tools, noting the netting could severely impact the animal’s mobility, making her susceptible to predators, including killer whales.

MLML administers the master’s of science program for a consortium of seven California State University campuses, administered by San Jose State.