Editor’s note: The following message was emailed to all students, faculty and staff on Feb. 15, 2018. Please note the Red Folder reference guide contains information, safety tips, and contact information on a variety of emergency campus and community resources to immediately help any Spartans in distress.

As we learn more about yesterday’s shooting in Florida, my thoughts turn first and foremost to the victims and their loved ones. Please join me in sending your thoughts to these individuals and the entire Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School community.

Words cannot express how difficult it is to make sense of this incident. Remember that San Jose State offers counseling free of charge through Counseling and Psychological Services for students and the Employee Assistance Program for faculty and staff members.

My thoughts also turn to our own campus. It has never been clearer that our top priority is campus safety. Today, I would like to renew our call for everyone to do all we can to prevent tragedies like this one.

Above all, please remember our See Something, Say Something practice. If you encounter behavior on our campus that makes you feel uneasy, immediately report your concerns to the University Police Department at 408-924-2222.

The Behavioral Intervention Team is another important resource. This collaborative effort seeks to identify and assist individuals who may pose a danger to themselves or others. The team very intentionally includes members from all parts of campus to make it clear that we are seeking input and assistance from everyone.

The University Police Department offers Run, Hide, Defend, a nationally recognized training program that provides very specific guidance on what to do during an active shooter situation. This training is available to all departments and groups of any kind on campus.

I have asked Vice President for Administration and Finance Charlie Faas and Chief of Police Peter Decena to review our practices and procedures. If we can do more, we most certainly will. We are always open to your suggestions.


President Mary A. Papazian