By Pat Lopes Harris, Media Relations Director

How do you go from home ec teacher to fashion company CEO? Hard work, creativity and an SJSU degree! In this quick video, graduating seniors Ryan Whitchurch and Dillon Adams interview Jenny Ming, the first Old Navy CEO. Ming now heads fast fashion retailer Charlotte Russe. An alumna, Ming sat down to talk in her San Francisco office, which is also an inspiration to see. She says “getting started is more important” than getting the perfect job right out of college “because you just don’t know where it leads you.” She also encourages young professionals to “really enjoy the journey” and “be open minded, be curious and let it lead you to something that will be better than you ever imagined.” And what was the most important thing she learned at SJSU? “One thing that San Jose State taught me that really helped me is it’s really about relationships, about working with people, about being in a team. It’s not about I. It’s about we.”