You can email your questions to The answers to your questions will be included in this FAQ section if there are no issues of privacy or confidentiality. A question and answer already posted in this FAQ section will be referred back to the FAQ section, unless additional information is needed.
I’d like to join MSDA, how can I get student health insurance?
Please refer to the International Student and Scholar Services at SJSU.
How many internships can I take?
Please refer to the International Student and Scholar Services at SJSU.
Can the F-1 students in this program participate in internships?
An F-1 student will follow the same regulations of a regular session student to participate in an internship.
When will the first class start and what is the duration of this program?
Please refer to the Schedule session.
Can I take elective courses?
A student can take 2 electives. All electives must be offered by the MSDA program. For the time being, MSDA program offers two electives – DATA 228 (Big Data Technologies and Applications) and CMPE 255 (Deep Learning Technologies).
I currently hold an H-4 visa. Can I change it to an F-1 after I join the program?
Please refer to the International Student and Scholar Services at SJSU.