Free Flu Shots Provided by Kaiser Permanente

Flu season is just around the corner.The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against the flu virus. We are pleased to offer free flu shots to our employees on campus through Well U’s partnership with Kaiser Permanente. The flu shots will be given Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22 in Clark 547 from 9:00 to 4:00.

You don’t need to be a Kaiser member to participate. Visit Kaiser’s Online Flu Shot Scheduler to create an account and make an appointment. Contact Julie Inouye Wong,, for more information.

48th Annual Spartan Service Celebration

Join us as we honor our colleagues reaching milestone years of service to San José State University at the 48th Annual Spartan Service Celebration on Thursday, October 29 at 3:00 pm in the Student Union Ballroom. The university will recognize 95 staff members with 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service. There will be a program highlighting our honorees’ contributions to SJSU, followed by a celebratory reception. In the spirit of helping and caring, there will be no fees for guests to attend the event.

Free Webinar by LifeMatters – Navigating the College Search & Admissions Process

For employees (LIVE) Thursday, September 17, 2015, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Pacific

The college admissions process has become fiercely competitive. Both parents and students are facing significant anxiety regarding admission to college. In this session, we will discuss how an admissions committee will assess a student’s distinct background and dialogue about issues like AP courses, SAT and ACT scores, Early Decision vs. Early Action admission, extra-curricular activities, athletic considerations, and financial aid basics. We will also explore the presentation of an appealing resume and application.

• Go to and follow the directions on that page. Please sign in with your company password: spartans.
• For live webinars, click on the link for the webinar you would like to attend and follow the registration instructions. You must register prior to the start of the webinar to attend.
• Transcripts for non-captioned, archived webinars are available upon request.

Employee Services Fair 2015

Tuesday, September 29
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom

The Employee Services Fair is your opportunity to learn about the benefits programs available to you and meet the vendors who provide them. Your HR benefits representatives will be on hand to answer questions. Many other vendors will be there offering discounts and perks to SJSU employees. Bring your Tower ID cards for giveaways and prizes. See you at the fair!

Open Enrollment

The annual Benefits Open Enrollment period for SJSU employees is September 14, 2015 through October 9, 2015. All changes made during Open Enrollment will be effective January 1, 2016.

Open Enrollment is the annual opportunity to make changes to your benefit plan. During this period, you may enroll in, or change, a health or dental plan, add or delete dependents, enroll or cancel FlexCash and enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (HCRA/DCRA).

Please note that if you currently participate in either HCRA or DCRA and wish to continue for tax year 2016, you must re-enroll during Open Enrollment.

More information regarding Open Enrollment will be distributed in the coming months, but if you have any questions about your benefits, please contact your benefits services representative at (408) 924-2250.