CSU Workplace Environment Resources Website

I am pleased to share the launch of the CSU Workplace Environment Resources Website. The Workplace Environment Resources Website offers best practices from CSU campuses and other higher education institutions. The Workplace Environment Resources Website will provide examples and inspiration as CSU campuses strive to address issues around bullying or abusive conduct within their workplace environments.

The homepage of the website features Chancellor White’s start of the academic year video, “2015-2016 Academic Year with Chancellor White.” The efforts of the Workplace Environment Initiative were featured in Chancellor White’s speech when he stated that a “…culture of respect is inclusive and fosters organizational excellence…it must be at the forefront of everything we do as a university…solidifies my commitment and belief that respect for one another defines who we are and what we stand for as people and as an organization…”

The Workplace Environment Resources Website will continue to evolve as more information on abusive conduct and bullying comes forward from CSU campuses as they develop customized training and prevention efforts that reflect the culture of their respective campus and their dedication to addressing this unproductive behavior.  In addition, the Workgroup will continually add new articles, policies, book titles, and online resources to the website in an effort to provide the latest ideas and best practices for addressing abusive conduct and bullying in our workplace environments.

Use your SJSUOne ID and password to login and peruse the Workplace Environment site.

A link to the site is also available on the Employees page of the Human Resources website, under Resources.

Thank you for your commitment in making San José State a healthy, respectful, safe, and productive place of work and learning.


Josee Larochelle, Interim VP Administration & Finance

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