Live Webinar from LifeMatters, EAP on Children and Divorce


This webinar will discuss many issues affecting children and divorce, including how to tell your children, reassure your children, and deal with self-blame. We will look at children’s basic needs, how to achieve continuity while living in multiple homes, and helping children communicate. It will also discuss the resources and support your Employee Assistance Program, LifeMatters, provides.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Pacific

To register for a webinar:
• Go to and log in using your company password: spartans. (Managers add a 2 after your company password.)
• Click on the “Services” tab in the upper right section of your screen. Then with the scroll bar in the lower middle portion of the page find “Webinars” in the menu of LifeMatters services.
• Click on the “Read More” button in the middle of the page to view all the webinars, including Management webinars.
• Click on the link for the webinar you would like to attend and follow the registration instructions.
• You must register prior to the start of the webinar in order to attend.

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