“It’s Leslie, I mean c’mon! Literally, everything she does is in the name of helping and caring. She used to say you needed at least 4 hugs a day. Didn’t meet the quota on a certain day? Well leave it to Leslie to give you as much hugs and love as you need. She is always smiling; she is always bright and beautiful every single day no matter how late her art classes kept her up. Leslie is the hardest worker and I know – she has the biggest heart. She always turned the other cheek, she is always there to listen, and the first to notice if you’re looking blue. Leslie Wyatt is an outstanding Spartan and I am proud to have known her. Chances are this whole step beyond thing might have even been her idea (but don’t quote me). Seriously, Leslie Wyatt…Seriously, if she doesn’t get the recognition she deserves I will Leslie Riot! Bad pun, but you get the idea.” –Sean Williams