Ahmed Banafa

Ahmed Banafa Portrait

Lecturer, General Engineering (Photo by: David Schmitz/San José State University)

Ahmed Banafa is a lecturer in general engineering at the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering. He has extensive experience in research, operations, and management, with a focus on the Internet of things, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. He was named as No.1 tech voice to follow by LinkedIn in 2016 and featured in Forbes, IEEE and MIT Technology Review. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering from King Abdulaziz University and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Lehigh University. He’s working on a doctoral degree from Lehigh University in signal processing and a post-graduate degree in cybersecurity techniques from Harvard University. He also holds a certificate in business management from Carbon County College.
Phone: 408-718-1570
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Technology, Bitcoin, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence