Presentation Title: How A Split Screen Tutorial Project Influenced My Pursuit Of A Career In Academic Librarianship
Presenter(s): Hannah Martin, School of Information
Abstract: For this assignment in INFO 254 we were tasked with creating a side by side tutorial with our partner. This was my first experience creating a side by side tutorial and my first time using LibWizard to create a tutorial, though I had used it to create a LibGuide in a previous class. For this assignment my partner and I worked together to create a short, refresher tutorial on APA style for undergraduate college students. I enjoyed doing this project because it gave me an opportunity to work in LibWizard as well as learn a new skill. I enjoyed creating an informative, engaging and welcoming tutorial. I wanted to create something that would provide information but also be fun and also incorporate universal design to be accessible to many students. I ended up using this side by side tutorial as part of a mock flipped classroom for my final class project of a practice information session. Overall I enjoyed this class because it was another opportunity to learn a skill that is important to being an academic librarian. Learning these types of skills and enjoying these types of tasks is what is making me continue to be motivated to pursue a career in academic librarianship which is something I am very interested in and passionate about. From this class I have developed and gained skills in how to be a better teacher as well as the skills needed to teach information literacy.
Link to Recorded Presentation:
Hello Hannah, I really like this – split screen tutorial – I see how it could really engage learning for university students. Do you think this could also be beneficial for students in high school, and/or elementary school?
~ Rosario
Hello Hannah! I have also used LibWizard as part of my job responsibilities training library student assistants in reference. Your point about adding information on why a response is correct or incorrect is so important as it can help bridge the lack of human gap by providing a guiding response to the learner. I wonder what other similar software is available to folks who may not have access to LibWizard?
Thanks for the informative presentation!
– Claire Bowling
Hi Rosario,
I think could definitely work for high school students. It could probably also work for elementary but they might need someone to walk through it with them depending on the complexity of the topic or how tech literate they are.
From the information in the lectures in my Info 254 class the side by side tutorials are also used as guides on areas like library’s homepages – to help a user learn how to complete a task, like checking out a book.