COMM faculty and alumni featured in special issue of Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies

The special issue of Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, a gedenkschrift for John T. Warren, professor of communication pedagogy at Southern Illinois University, went live today.  Dr. Warren, co-author and intellectual co-conspirator of Deanna Fassett, was a friend and frequent visitor to our department until his untimely death at the age of 36 from advanced esophageal cancer in April 2011.
In this issue are articles by our colleagues Kathleen McConnell, Dana Morella-Pozzi, and Mary Anne Sunseri.  Graduates of our MA program, Rob Gutierrez-Perez and Diana Woodhouse also authored manuscripts for this issue.  Rona T. Halualani contributed writing to the issue’s introduction, and David Terry was a member of the editorial board for this issue.
It is available at

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