Learn to use social media to support research

CASA’s Center for Applied Research on Human Services (CARHS) offered a Brown Bag session on April 2 on “Using social media to support research, scholarship and creative activity” with faculty from the College of Applied Sciences and Arts available to speak on their own experiences using such online resources as LinkedIn, Twitter, Academia.edu and electronic journals. Scheduled speakers included Michael Stephens and Lili Luo, from the School of Information; Alessandro DiGiorgio, from Justice Studies; John Delacruz, from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications and Daniel Murphy, from Kinesiology. The speakers were anticipated to talk about how they use the online resources to disseminate and support their scholarly work and connect with other scholars with shared interests.

CARHS will host one more Brown Bag session, “Preparing internal grant applications,” with a time and date to be determined. CARHS Director Amy D’Andrade is also continuing to facilitate the CARHS mentored grant writing group and the Qualitative Research group.

For more information on any or all of these supports, visit the CARHS website or email CARHS Director and CASA Faculty Associate Dean for Research Amy D’Andrade at amy.dandrade@sjsu.edu.

Health Communication Sampler Celebration & Presentation Workshop Showcases Edu-Tech Innovation in the Classroom & Community

by Frank Strona & Daniel Murphy

Health Science faculty members (and edu-tech innovators) Frank Strona and Rebecca Krueger, with their students in SJSU’s Health Communication and Technology (aka HS158), held the Health Communication Sampler Celebration & Presentation Workshop this past Tuesday December 4th, 2012 at MLK Library. Click here for a video overview: Group 11 Sampler.

The event featured 12 students teams who presented original material they developed using 21st century tools – including iPads, Tablets, social media technologies, digital

Project posters at 2012 event showcase edu-tech innovations

and audio software – resulting in short digital media content. They also introduced for the first time an entire cloud based series of presentations based on the Prezi.com platform. Student groups dedicated an entire semester to creating a digital, interactive technology-based project or educational intervention. The results were fantastic.

HS158 attempts to engage its students in an active experience that explores the evolving roles of the Health Science graduate in the workplace today. The core elements of the course allow students to build on group skills, new digital technologies, and the Internet as tools for health promotion, disease prevention, and health care.

Strona noted, “What is especially exciting is that the students enrolled in HS158 are not students who would‘ve generally looked at technology and digital media as a routine response towards improving the health of communities. As Health Science undergraduates, participation in this course required the students to actively engage accessible and self-paced content, low-cost tools, and self-initiated learning above and beyond standard curriculums in an attempt to replicate the real-time work environment these young professionals will eventually find themselves in.”

HS158 leads the way in edu-tech tools in the classroom

The innovative projects shared during the Sampler were developed in   collaboration with the community-based partners and organizations  that applied for free partnership support over the summer as a way to promote and widen the health opportunities of the communities they serve locally in San Jose, in the larger Bay Area, as well as nationally. Each student group addressed various health-related issues; assessed the impact the tools could achieve; and designed, filmed, and edited a custom digital project suitable for use by their host.

Student Jessica Huckabay noted, “Our group poster was on sexual education marketing to gay men in SF for the S.F. Dept. of Public Health. We also did a series of interviews with gay men to find out what they thought/knew about the FC2. It sparked my interest in working with LGBTQ people. I plan on working with a health educator at the Billy De Frank Center on the Alameda, to understand the population and do health education work.”

The event highlighted the transformative edu-tech work being done by faculty and students in the Health Science, notably driven by Frank Strona, whose commitment to cutting-edge techniques benefits SJSU students and community partners.

For more information about this event and about technology innovation in the classroom, contact Frank Strona at Frank.Strona@sjsu.edu; follow the class twitter feed at @HealthCommTech or follow hashtag #HS158.

Social Media, Posting, and Critical Thinking in the Internet Age

by Bob Rucker

A story recently ran on MSN.com about an East Coast woman who visited Arlington National Cemetery on a company trip. She took what she thought was a harmless and funny picture, posted it on Facebook, and lost her job.

Extreme or Standard Operating Procedure in the Internet Age?

Check out the story: http://news.msn.com/us/mass-woman-loses-job-after-posting-photo-on-facebook

This is not the first type of story we have all heard about social media and privacy issues in the workplace, and the blurring of public and private spaces in the “real world” and on the internet.

CNN reported this and interviewed an attorney who reminded the audience:

“One thing people fail to realize is employment is at will. Employers can fire anyone for any reason if you are a contractual employee, just as employees can quit for whatever reason they want. She had the right to say what she wanted, and the employer had the right to fire her. A lot of companies ask their workers to conduct themselves with a particular manner of respect that represents the views of their company. She was on a company trip. They have the right to react in this manner.”

This story, as crazy as it might be, is a reminder to students and faculty to take care when posting publicly on social media sites such as Facebook.  Increasingly, our digital identities and “real world” identities are becoming intertwined, and we need to think critically about issues of freedom of speech, privacy, control, workers’ rights, and surveillance.

Here are a few useful links that include detailed and organized guidelines on social media usage for students and faculty:


