School of Journalism and Mass Communications Partners with Adobe

True to San José State University’s (SJSU) reputation as the best place in Silicon Valley to learn how to prosper in the 21st century economy, SJSU’s School of Journalism and Mass Communications (JMC) faculty and student staff members from SHiFT Magazine and South Bay Pulse are pushing the limits of digital technology. Like so many successful Silicon Valley start-ups, seed money came from experienced players and visionaries. Early contributors to the magazine program included SJSU’s Lucas College of Business and Hewlett-Packard (HP) Labs in Palo Alto, California.

“HP Labs helped us overcome the cost and distribution challenges,” says SJSU professor Tom Ulrich, magazine sequence advisor and digital publication program manager. “Our beautifully rendered magazines are available to a worldwide audience via HP’s print-on-demand service for about fifteen cents per page.”

Students create new digital magazine "The South Bay Pulse"

Journalism students create new digital magazine “The South Bay Pulse” to cover 25th Annual Cinequest Film Festival (photo: Christina Olivas)

With cost of printing and world-wide distribution in hand, Ulrich and engineers at Adobe Systems agreed to explore the most sophisticated tools for producing groundbreaking print and digital publications.

Last February, the staff produced the red carpet event at Cinequest. Staff members streamed the event live to subscribers across the world with Adobe software and $6,000 worth of off-the-shelf electronic equipment. They replaced the million dollar transmission trucks parked in front of the California Theater with portable electronic gear that every department on campus can afford.

“While still in its infancy,” Ulrich says, “we are convinced that these digital tools allow our students to rewrite the rules of broadcast journalism.”

As part of our ongoing experiment, the journalism program added South Bay Pulse, a digital weekly entertainment guide, to its stable of publications. In the summer of 2015 as part of the Adobe Challenge, staff members tested the December 2015 release of Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) software.

“With SHiFT magazine and South Bay Pulse, we are performing primary research in the undergraduate classroom,” says Ulrich. “In addition to contributing our ideas to Adobe’s next product release, we are the only group on campus to own an Apple developer’s ID.”

Adobe Systems professionals train South Bay Pulse students

Adobe Systems professionals train South Bay Pulse students

While Adobe created DPS in 2010 to clear the path for a prominent magazine publisher to move from print to the digital world, students from JMC are now helping to move the new industry standard forward.

“Staff members were chosen over students from other Bay Area universities to join seasoned programmers at Adobe to help develop the next generation of digital publication software,” Ulrich says. “Our students graduate not just knowing how to use these visionary tools. They are prepared to lead the industry.”

Front Page News: JMC Student & SF Chronicle Intern James Tensuan Publishes Front Page Photo

by Bob Rucker
We recently posted an article on JMC student James Tensuan and his work for PBS at the Inauguration in Washington this past January. The article can be found here.
There has been another standout effort from the same photo journalism major, who is now doing an internship  this semester for the SF Chronicle.
The image below shows his San Francisco Chronicle front page photo from last week. This is quite an achievement considering the paper has staff photographers who usually cover major events such as the recent funeral that occurred this past Thursday, March 7 for the Santa Cruz policemen killed in the line of duty.
In the digital age, photojournalism has become an increasingly important avenue to democratize news production and news proliferation. JMC students are on the forefront of this endeavor.
JMC and CASA are proud of James and we want to recognize the awesome work being done by JMC students. Special thanks to JMC Internship Faculty Coordinator Matt Cabot for sharing the screen shot.

Photo by James Teshuan. Police Funeral. SF Chronicle.

JMC’s Global Communication Initiative uses Technology to Connect Students with Industry

by Bob Rucker

Advertising Professor John Delacruz has successfully launched a new JMC School Global Communication Initiative using the DBH 225 Cisco Telepresence technology.

Prof. Delacruz at the monitor.

Last week, Professor de la Cruz arranged for his advertising students to make presentations to an agency in New York City, the nation’s largest media market.

We would like to recognize all JMC faculty who have been using the DBH 225 projection system in classes. John’s session last week was the first attempt using the technology to connect with professional industry contact on a national scale.

JMC guests from Afghanistan were in attendance at the event, along with Professor Diane Guerrazzi who captured video. Special thanks to John Briar for helping test the technology before last week’s event. Professor Delacruz is set to give a report on the technology to JMC Faculty; look for a blog follow-up here on the innovative use of technology in JMC classrooms.

JMC faculty and student groups are anxious to use the Cisco Telepresence technology. The JMC Global Communications Committee is meeting soon to set-up guidelines for scheduling and using DBH 225 Telepresence.

This is another example, in a now growing list, of innovative edu-tech approaches being used across CASA departments.

Student Presents at Monitor

JMC class present at NYC Agency presentations

1st Telepresence set up w NYC Agency

San Jose Mercury News Story on JMC Anderson Gift

by Bob Rucker

San Jose State University’s School of Journalism and Mass Communications has received an $8.7 million bequest from the estate of the late Jack and Emma Anderson, who owned the press where the Spartan Daily student newspaper was published for 20 years beginning in the mid-1950s. The gift will be used to help fund the school’s continuing evolution in the digital era.

“The Jack and Emma Anderson Fund will support our dynamic vision to be recognized internationally as a leader in new media and social media research in higher education, reflecting Silicon Valley’s energy and innovative spirit,” said School of Journalism and Mass Communications Director Bob Rucker.

For photos of the announcement event, click here. (Photos courtesy of Robert C. Bain, SJSU University Photographer)

Former Journalism student and current writer at the San Jose Mercury News, Sal Pizarro, has published his story about the JMC Anderson Gift online at:
Here is a link to the full story.

JMC Professor Calls for Ethical, Responsible, and Balanced Communication Practices

by  Robert Rucker, Director School of Journalism and Mass Communications

It was great to see yesterday so many people in my building and all across SJSU so excited about the election outcome, especially for Prop 30. Even individuals whose candidates or issues did not prevail were quite engaging and respectful. Everyone seemed a bit more upbeat and hopeful again about the future.

JMC School alumni who went on our very successful 2009 Inauguration trip also responded and urged me to tap into our innovative thinking again, in a much different way, with a timely learning opportunity the country now needs. Dr. Michael Cheers and I, who organized that DC trip, agree that SJSU is the ideal place NOW to host a national town hall discussion. A timely news peg would be the Republican Party’s post election need to expand and include more women and ethnic cultural groups. Recently former RNC Chairman Michael Steele told me the GOP must do that to survive, but he said we can’t be naive…We must first find a way to develop trust within those communities.

Local and national media could build on this town meeting with follow-up special focus reporting. This would be a most appropriate way to react to some of the ugliest national reactions from Election 2012. (Beware…rough language) when you see:

Racist Tweets:

Sad..but true, this stuff still exists in America. We should lead a more positive and informed approach.

JMC is all about ethics, responsible and balanced communications. We don’t need Oprah to lead more constructive national dialog. Our 2009 cross country trip through the landmarks of the Civil Rights Movement slowly captured national attention by reminding or educating many generations about the hard struggles that led to the first African-American President. A new effort triggering a national discussion could provide the major political parties and the entire nation with helpful new insights on how to relax, understand, value and embrace diversity that is growing in America.

I plan to pitch this dynamic idea to the media, and will ask for your help in showcasing how we can do this at SJSU. Stay tuned.