CASA hosts emeritus and retired faculty lunch


On Dec. 4, Dean Charles C. Bullock of the College of Applied Sciences and Arts at San Jose State University, hosted a luncheon for emeritus and retired faculty. The annual event brought together former faculty from nine departments and schools in the College of Applied Sciences, including one former dean, Robert Moore.

The luncheon was held at Flames Eatery and was attended by 48 guests, including the retired faculty and their friends or spouses as well as current faculty from eight departments in CASA. The emeritus and retired faculty received updates on college news from Bullock and the chairs or directors for CASA departments. The former faculty were also invited to share a few words about what they have been up to since retirement. Many of the former faculty shared stories of the travel they took in the last year, while others talked about plans for upcoming trips. Still others shared how they are still involved on campus, either through the Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association or even volunteering in their former departments on campus.