SLIS Student Jonathan Ward Nominated for Grammy in Best Historical Album

by Sandy Hirsh

SLIS student Jonathan Ward has been nominated for a Grammy in the category of best historical album for his album: Opika Pende: Africa At 78 RPM.  The Grammy Award Ceremony is February 10, 2013.  He has stiff competition, but it is amazing to be nominated. On behalf of SLIS and CASA, we want to congratulate Mr. Ward on his Grammy nomination.

Mr. Ward is quoted as saying, “It is truly astonishing to consider the tremendous variety of music that was pressed to shellac discs on the continent of Africa. Popular songs, topical songs, work songs, comic songs, songs of worship, ritual, dance, and praise—the sheer range of musical styles resists any easy categorization. Further, African geography itself resists boundaries. The boundaries of cultures and languages are often far more complex than political boundaries. Complicating things further, entire countries seem to have been skipped over by both commercial 78 rpm record companies and ethnographers during the 78 rpm era. No doubt it was the same with many cultures. But that doesn’t mean that 78s weren’t everywhere, even in remote parts of the continent. By the mid-1960s, 78s were still a popular if not preferred medium in much of Africa, as a significant amount of the population still used wind-up gramophone players.”

A link to the album and music can be found here:

ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS Wins Professional Association’s 2012 Student Chapter of the Year Award


Congratulations to the ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS who recently won a national student group award. The student group has journeyed from establishing the chapter’s charter just a year ago to receiving recognition as the professional association’s 2012 Student Chapter of the Year. Incredible growth in the space of year highlights the continued dedication of CASA faculty and students.

“I was thrilled to learn that our student chapter won this national award, especially during its first year of existence” said Sarah Emmerson, who was the chair of the newly established student chapter. “We hit the ground running in August 2011 to make a success of the student chapter from its beginning.”

Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments and take a second to note the positive work our students continue to do in the community and the nationwide.  This is just one example of the groundbreaking work being done in SLIS.

A link to the news announcement can be found below.

For more information about the ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS, please visit:

In addition to ASIS&T, SJSU SLIS offers student chapters of the American Library Association and the Society of American Archivists. Current SLIS students can also join the combined student and alumni group, SLISConnect.

SJSU SLIS Faculty Presenting at Library 2.012 Conference

Faculty from the San José State University School of Library and Information Science (SJSU SLIS) will be among the vast lineup of global presenters, who are leading the conversation about the future of libraries in our hyperlinked world at the Library 2.012 Worldwide Virtual Conference.

Dr. Sandra Hirsh, SJSU SLIS professor and director, will open the Library 2.012 conference with her keynote presentation about how information professionals can take charge of the ever-changing information landscape. Following Dr. Hirsh’s opening keynote, SJSU SLIS faculty will share their research and knowledge with the worldwide audience of information professionals.

See here for more information!

SLIS Announces Publication of “Innovate” Magazine

By:  School of Library and Information Science

The School of Library and Information Science just published their annual review, Innovate magazine, that highlights the School’s innovative online programs, new courses in their Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) fully online graduate program, the first doctoral students to complete the San José Gateway PhD Program, the innovative Library 2.011 Worldwide Virtual Conference, their virtual internship program, recent graduates’ new jobs, their partnership with Vietnam National University, and much more. A PDF version and digital flipbook are conveniently available for your reading pleasure.

For more information, please visit:

SLIS Publishes Student Research Journal (SRJ)

by SLIS Staff

Research Journal Publishes LIS Graduate Student Writing

Is librarian certification necessary to ensure high quality service? What trends and challenges do law librarians face in the twenty-first century? Graduate students from three universities investigate these topics and more in the new Spring issue of the San José State University School of Library and Information Science (SJSU SLIS) Student Research Journal (SRJ), a peer-reviewed open source online publication.

Volume 2, Issue 1 of the SRJ features:

  • Closing the Research/Practice Gap: The Journey from Student to Practitioner, Stacey Nordlund, Editor-in-Chief, SJSU SLIS
  • Value of the Research Methods Course: Voices from LIS Practitioners, Lili Luo, Assistant Professor, SJSU SLIS
  • Certification of Librarians: An Unproven Demand, Jonathan Pacheco Bell, SJSU SLIS
  • An Exploratory Study of Online Information Regarding Colony Collapse Disorder, Meredith K. Boehm, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
  • Using Organization Theory to Explore the Changing Role of Medical Libraries, Kathy J. Fatkin, Emporia State University
  • International Legal Collections at U.S. Academic Law School Libraries, Camelia Naranch, SJSU SLIS

The articles are available online in PDF format at:

The SRJ, established in 2010, promotes graduate scholarship and intellectual inquiry in library and information science, archives and records management, and museum studies through publishing two issues annually and accepts submissions on a rolling basis. It is San José State University’s first student-governed research journal.

For more information about the SRJ, please visit:

For more information about the School of Library and Information Science at San José State University, please visit:

Call for Submissions

The SRJ editorial team is currently working on the Fall 2012 issue. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to showcase and publish their work. The SRJ invites original research or critical review essay manuscripts from all universities on topics in the fields of information science theory, policy, application, or practice. For more information, please visit: