Approximately 50 occupational therapy graduate students presented research projects at the Occupational Therapy Association of California Annual Conference in Pasadena, CA. “These collaborative research projects were completed with the occupational therapy faculty and clearly demonstrates their commitment to student success,” says Winifred Schultz-Krohn, PhD, OTR/L BCP, FAOTA, Professor and Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy.
“And our faculty had many well-attended presentations on the following topics: Prevention of Falls, Play Patterns in Adults, Professional Development, Interprofessional Collaboration, and Dysphagia. Gigi Smith, associate professor, coordinated the student track during the conference so she was very busy,” says Schultz-Krohn.
Dr. Lela Llorens, former chair of the occupational therapy department provided an inspirational keynote address at the California Foundation of Occupational Therapy luncheon. She specifically recognized the important research completed by Dr. Heidi Pendleton on Friendships.