CSI camp comes to SJSU

The College of Applied Sciences and Arts Justice Studies will be hosting dozens of teenagers this summer as part of the Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation Camps July 28-Aug. 1 at San José State  University.

During the camp, middle school and high school students with an interest in science will have a chance to learn some of the basic skills of solving crimes. Campers will learn about crime scene security, documentation and evidence collection; fingerprints; shoeprints; blood stain patterns and DNA. Activities at the day camp will involve crime scene reconstruction, forensic anthropology, courtroom procedures and testimony and more.

Justice Studies Professor Steven B. Lee, the camp director, has nearly 20 years of experience in forensic science, according to his bio on the camp website. Lee has a Ph.D in molecular biology from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the director of the Forensic Science program at SJSU. He formerly served as director of Research and Development at the California Department of Justice’s DNA Laboratory;  is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the California Association of Criminalists; and a fellow in the Criminalistics Division of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He also serves as a certified inspector for the Laboratory Accreditation Board of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors, on the Department of Defense Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory Quality Assurance Board as a technical reviewer for NIJ research grants and reports and has served on the FBI Technical Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods.

Visit http://www.sjsu.edu/justicestudies/programs-events/csi-summer-camp/ for a video of the CSI camp activities from 2012.

For more on the Justice Studies Forensic Science program, visit http://www.sjsu.edu/justicestudies/

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