ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS Wins Professional Association’s 2012 Student Chapter of the Year Award


Congratulations to the ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS who recently won a national student group award. The student group has journeyed from establishing the chapter’s charter just a year ago to receiving recognition as the professional association’s 2012 Student Chapter of the Year. Incredible growth in the space of year highlights the continued dedication of CASA faculty and students.

“I was thrilled to learn that our student chapter won this national award, especially during its first year of existence” said Sarah Emmerson, who was the chair of the newly established student chapter. “We hit the ground running in August 2011 to make a success of the student chapter from its beginning.”

Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments and take a second to note the positive work our students continue to do in the community and the nationwide.  This is just one example of the groundbreaking work being done in SLIS.

A link to the news announcement can be found below.

For more information about the ASIS&T Student Chapter at SJSU SLIS, please visit:

In addition to ASIS&T, SJSU SLIS offers student chapters of the American Library Association and the Society of American Archivists. Current SLIS students can also join the combined student and alumni group, SLISConnect.

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