Professors applying for grants listen to Amy D’Andrade speak during the start of the University Grants Academy at San Jose State University on Friday, Feb. 3, 2017. (Photo: James Tensuan, ’15 Journalism)
Applications for the 2017-18 Universtiy Grants Academy (UGA) are now available and due by Nov. 6, at 5 p.m. The UGA supports faculty members from across the campus through the process of writing a substantial external grant proposal to fund their research, scholarship or creative activity (RSCA). The UGA is a developmental experience designed for faculty members new to external grant-writing. Tenured/tenure track (T/TT) faculty who have not yet received major external grants are eligible to apply. Faculty members developing proposals to fund their research, their scholarly endeavors or their creative activity work will have priority, but those seeking other types of extramural grants (e.g., training grants or program or curriculum development) may be considered if space permits.
Faculty who are accepted into the program receive 0.2 assigned time for T/TT faculty and the resources covering the supporting tools at the disposition of the T/TT faculty during the UGA program:
- Workshops by campus experts on various asinto of proposal development in fall 2017;
- A spring program providing technical support, resources and mentoring from campus experts and successful SJSU grant writers in spring 2018;
- Proposal reviews by senior scholars in the field;
- $500 in O&E funds if proposal submitted by the first open submission window after UGA completion; and
- Individualized coaching to support the completion and submission of an external grant proposal.
Applications are due to the Office of Research by November 6, 2017 by 5:00pm.
The UGA application is available via DocuSign. Once the information is completed, it will be sent to department chair and then the College Dean for review/approvals, then sent to the Office of Research once it is completed. If you need assistance with DocuSign, please visit the DocuSign support page. Application Form 2017-18 (PDF) i is also available to be printed and may be submitted via email to the Office of Research (officeofresearch@sjsu.edu)
Proposals must contain the following:
- The UGA application form;
- A current CV;
- A proposal budget and budget justification; and
- A draft proposal narrative containing at minimum:
- 5-6 pages outlining the scope and methodology of the project to be funded (what you propose to do and how it will be implemented; aka the Research Strategy/Project Description); and
- 1-2 pages introducing the problem or issue being targeted and why the problem is important.
Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the RSCA Advisory Council. Final participants will be selected by the Office of Research informed by the RSCA Advisory Council recommendations. The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:
- Completeness of application;
- Strength of application elements and likelihood of potential funding;
- Evidence of faculty member’s ability to complete a proposal within the UGA timeframe;
- Fit of faculty interests and needs with the goals of the UGA.
If you have questions about whether your project would be categorized as RSCA, consult with your chair, your college’s Associate Dean for Research (or relevant contact), and/or your college’s RSCA metrics. You may also email the Associate Dean for Research in the Office of Research at SJSU, Gilles Muller (gilles.muller@sjsu.edu) or the Assistant Vice President for Faculty Development, Amy Strage (amy.strage@sjsu.edu).