CASA Faculty Recognized for Years of Service

San José State University held its 17th Annual Faculty Service Recognition and Awards Luncheon on March 15, 2016, to celebrate faculty who have reached a significant milestone year. Honorees were given a special gift with the years of service engraved.

The College of Applied Sciences and Arts (CASA) is very grateful for its wonderful faculty and is proud to acknowledge our faculty who were recognized for 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of service.

15 Years of Service

  • Antoinette Bloom, Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging
  • Richard Craig, Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Ziming Liu, School of Information
  • Jennifer Schachner, Kinesiology

20 Years of Service

  • Lisa Arieta Hayes, Social Work
  • Christine Di Salvo, Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Alice Hines, Social Work
  • Clarie Hollenbeck, Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging
  • Geoffrey Liu, School of Information
  • Lee Pate, Kinesiology
  • Diane Stuenkel, Nursing
  • Gilbert Villagran, Social Work

25 Years of Service

  • Yoko Baba, Justice Studies
  • Elizabeth Cara, Occupational Therapy
  • Gong Chen, Kinesiology
  • Buddy Gerstman, Health Science and Recreation
  • Nancy Megginson, Kinesiology
  • Fred Prochaska, Social Work
  • Bob Rucker, Journalism and Mass Communications

30 Years of Service

  • Kathy Abriam-Yago, Nursing
  • Christine Hooper, Nursing
  • Linda Main, School of Information
  • Jacquelyn McClure, Justice Studies
  • Judi Morrill, Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging
  • Kathleen Roe, Health Science and Recreation

40 Years of Service

  • William Tillinghast, Journalism and Mass Communications

Congratulations to all on reaching this service milestone with SJSU and thank you for your hard work and much dedication to the success of our students. We look forward to your ongoing contributions and a successful future!

Dr. Van Ta Park Receives Funding from the Alzheimer’s Association

On Feb. 19, 2016, Dr. Van Ta Park was awarded funding by the Alzheimer's Association to develop a culturally-tailored program for Vietnamese dementia caregivers.

On Feb. 19, 2016, Dr. Van Ta Park was awarded funding by the Alzheimer’s Association to develop a culturally-tailored program for Vietnamese dementia caregivers.

The Alzheimer’s Association recently awarded funding to the College of Applied Sciences and Arts Department of Health Science and Recreation Associate Professor Dr. Van Ta Park for $150,000 over the next three years to develop a culturally-tailored program to reduce stress and depression among Vietnamese dementia caregivers.

William Fisher, the CEO of the Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, presented Dr. Ta Park with the grant check on February 19, 2016. Only the top eight percent of proposals receive funding.

Through prior research, Dr. Ta Park found that Vietnamese Americans are less likely to utilize mental health services and family caregivers caring for a family member with dementia increase their risk of depression and stress.

Dr. Ta Park is developing a face-to-face, four week cognitive behavioral skill training program that will meet at the homes of Vietnamese caregivers in small groups with up to six caregivers at a time.

Participants will be recruited through community organizations that serve local Vietnamese residents and will be divided into two groups. One group will receive existing resources from the Alzheimer’s Association website that have been translated from English into Vietnamese and the other group will receive newly developed resources that have been created specifically for the program. Outcomes of the two groups will be compared using pre- and post-test measures of stress and depression.

Dr. Ta Park will be working with her mentors, Dr. Dolores Gallagher-Thompson and Dr. Gwen Yeo from Stanford University, School of Medicine, and has recruited bilingual and bicultural Vietnamese SJSU students to be research assistants.

James Lee Selected to Serve as Editor-in-Chief

Journal of Applied Social Science

Journal of Applied Social Science

Justice Studies Professor and Chair, James Lee, has been selected to serve as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Social Science (JASS). JASS is the journal of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS).

“I am humbled by the confidence that the board of AACS has in me,” said Lee about being selected.

JASS publishes research that has a pragmatic, problem solving orientation. Applied social science involves using established theories and research methods to collect and analyze data for practical problems faced by organizations or communities. The work often involves a relationship between researchers and clients. JASS contributes to evidence-based knowledge, publishes evaluations, research articles and reports, and methodological advances in social sciences.

JASS is a valuable resource for finding effective programs and solutions to address real life problems as well as learning what doesn’t work. Lee says that the journal can be useful for students who will be called upon to solve problems for organizations in the future.

“JASS provides lessons for students about how to properly collect and analyze data to address social problems,” said Lee.

Lee’s responsibilities will require him to be the arbiter of quality for the journal and identify the most critical issues in applied sociology. “Editors must be energetic and attentive to the major discussions going on in an area of study,” said Lee about how this position holds great responsibility and effort.

Lee plans to do his best to keep this valuable journal available to researchers, practitioners, and those who value evidence-based policies and practices. The College of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Department of Justice Studies are proud to host this nationally recognized journal.

KGO Radio Interview With Dr. Richard Craig

Dr. Richard Craig

Dr. Richard Craig

Tune into KGO Radio 810 Monday, February 8, at 10 a.m. as Dr. Richard Craig will be interviewed on the Ronn Owen’s show. Live streaming is available at

Dr. Craig, professor for the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, will be live on the radio to discuss his new book, Polls, Expectations and Elections: TV News Making in U.S. Presidential Campaigns, and how it relates to the presidential primaries.

Polls, Expectations and Elections - TV News Making in U.S. Presidential Campaigns

Polls, Expectations and Elections – TV News Making in U.S. Presidential Campaigns

Dr. Craig’s book uses a comprehensive content analysis of transcripts of CBS Evening News broadcasts during presidential election campaigns from 1968-2012. The transcripts are used to demonstrate how television news has gone from simply reporting poll data to portraying it as the only motivation for anything candidates do while campaigning.

Copies of the book are available for purchase from To order a review copy for instructional use, click here.

The 2015-16 academic year will serve as Dr. Craig’s 16th here at San José State University. He was recently promoted to full professor in August 2015. Visit to learn more about him and his work.

SWEEP Launches Sustainability Phase of Work in Vietnam

SWEEP team members and leaders from the VVTA and USAID come together for a group photo during the convening in Hoi An, Vietnam.

SWEEP team members and leaders from the VVTA and USAID come together for a group photo during the convening in Hoi An, Vietnam.

The Social Work Education Enhancement Project (SWEEP) successfully implemented a third Leadership Academy and on January 6th-8th, in Hoi An, Vietnam. The purpose of the event was to support effective leadership and preparation for collaboration among Rectors and Deans of key universities with social work programs in Vietnam. The leadership training was followed by a convening of 24 leaders across eight SWEEP partner universities as well as leaders from the Vietnam Association of Schools of Social Work and Vietnam Vocational Training Association and Vocational Social Work (VVTA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the project’s funder. National leaders in social work agreed to form a consortium to continue notable advances in social work that have taken place over three-years of the SWEEP project. Toward the end of the convening, participants commented publicly about how the SWEEP project profoundly impacted progress in the development of social work education in Vietnam and help to launch leaders on a path for ongoing collaboration. SWEEP team members included: Alice Hines, Principal Investigator and Director; Ed Cohen, Co-Principal Investigator; Laurie Drabble, Faculty Expert Leadership Academy; Tuan Tran, Vietnam SWEEP Coordinator, Hoa Nguyen, and Thao Nguyen, Vietnam SWEEP staff.

The 3rd Leadership Academy pose for a group photo during the leadership training in Hoi An, Vietnam.

The 3rd Leadership Academy pause for a group photo during the leadership training in Hoi An, Vietnam.

During the final day of the national convening of leaders in social work education, Tuan Tran received an award from the Vietnam Vocational Training Association and Vocational Social Work. He was lauded for his commitment and tireless work to further the development of social work education in Vietnam.

Tuan Tran receives an award from the Vietnam Vocational Training Association and Vocational Social Work.

Tuan Tran receives an award from the Vietnam Vocational Training Association and Vocational Social Work.