Spring/Summer 2017: From Readers

Photo: Tom Sanders, ’14 MFA Photography
President Papazian
As a proud Spartan, I read with delight the interview with the new SJSU president, Mary Papazian. How refreshing to read that the university in the “Capital of Silicon Valley” has chosen as its new president a scholar of Renaissance English literature. I was also delighted to read that President Papazian’s vision for SJSU is that it should be a leading metropolitan university. Because of its downtown location, my alma mater is positioned to play an ever-more significant role in the blossoming of its urban neighborhood to the benefit of the city, the student body and the region. I’m thankful for such enlightened leadership going forward. Go Spartans!
—Glenna Matthews, ’69 History
Former Editors
As a former editor of the Alumni Association publication The Spartan, I congratulate you and your colleagues on WSQ. After reading the fall/winter issue of WSQ, I searched my personal archives for copies of the fall and winter 1968 issues of The Spartan. The contrast could not be starker. Those long-ago issues featured articles on the 1968 presidential election (with a tongue-in-cheek cover illustration of “Pat Paulsen for President”) and (the case for) university status for SJSC. They remind me, looking back, of a high school yearbook. Kudos for the professional, relevant and contemporary publication WSQ is today.
—Larry Coy, ’69 Journalism
In the fall/winter issue, you mention my old friend and Lambda Chi brother Ray Silva. Great guy! You cited long-time track coach Bud Winter, who tried to teach me volleyball in gym class. You mentioned Gus Lease, music professor, who got me to tune, carry and pick a bass fiddle. You also cited Gordon Greb, who brought new ideas to journalism, including radio. And Gene Menges, who with Bert Robinson, was probably then and now the two best football players ever at San José State! Not bad for an issue almost 75 years after I left San José State College. Keep up the good work!
—David “Navy Dave” Woods, ’52 Speech Communication, Former editor of LYKE

Vice President Richard M. Nixon and his wife Pat Ryan Nixon with former San Jose State College President John T. Wahlquist
Bipartisan Buttons
There were also conservative, right of center, students on campus in the ’60s. The Young Republican Club hosted a speech by Richard Nixon during his run for governor, and they were active in moving the party to the right, resulting in the candidacies of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. There was also a Students Against Communism (SAC) club that spoke up for the over one billion people that were victims of this economic system. The Spartan Daily ran articles on both groups. I hope you will also.
—Ronald Birchard, ’63 Human Resources Administration

Coach Bud Winter with Lang Stanley.
Remembering Bud Winter
I well remember Bud Winter and his incentive program: better your time or distance and receive a chit for a free milkshake. I was one of the many who never won at local meets or qualified for international competition, but my memories of the experience are proudly positive, and my education at San José State put me in good stead to teach school for nearly 50 years. Thank you for a superb issue.
—Ronald K. Ford, ’61 English