My Very Inspirational Person [VIP]

Sullivan-Green and her students beat 12 other schools from across California and Hawaii to win the transit key from the Chi Epsilon Pacific District Conference in a weekend of competitions in November. Chi Epsilon is the civil engineering honor society.
Assistant Professor Laura Sullivan-Green
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nominated by Omar Dabbagh, ’16 Civil Engineering
I find Dr. Laura Sullivan-Green a very influential person. She explains geotechnical engineering clearly and to the point, while allowing students to think creatively so they can become well-rounded engineers. Professor Green’s demonstrated love and passion for geotechnical engineering influences students to strive to discover their own paths. She is an amazing individual who has made an impact on my life. Thanks to her—and her upbeat lectures on hydrology—I have found my passion in geotechnical engineering.
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Send a 100-word statement about your very inspirational person. Include your name, major, year of graduation and telephone number. Send information via email or USPS: WSQ Editor / SJSU / One Washington Square / San José, CA 95192-0258.