My VIP [Very Inspirational Person]

Rita Manning

Philosophy Professor Rita Manning

I first met Rita Manning in 2005. Even during that brief meeting, she made a strong impression. Many teachers talk or write about ethics; she teaches by example. She makes her assignments relevant to everyday life by bringing in current events and exposing connections between ethics, law and politics. She shows compassion and understanding during class, office hours and extracurricular activities. And she takes a genuine interest in her students, pushing them to succeed and comforting them during setbacks. Her commitment and passion has been incredibly inspirational. She’s more than a teacher to her students. She’s an ally.

Nominated by June Alice M Brown, ’13 Philosophy and Art/Studio Practice

Nominate your VIP!

Send a 100-word statement telling us how your VIP inspired you. Include your name, major, year of graduation and telephone number. Send the information to: WSQ Editor SJSU / One Washington Square / San José, CA 9519-0258 or to

Jody Ulate

Jody Ulate, '05 MA English, is editor of the Washington Square blog and printed alumni magazine.

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2 Responses

  1. says:

    She shows compassion and understanding during class, office hours and extracurricular activities.And she takes a genuine interest in her students, pushing them to succeed and comforting them

  2. Akshat Gupta says:

    He is an awesome professor, very helpful, extremely knowledgeable and down to earth. He is the best professor in SJSU.

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