MAJOR: Business Admin/Business Analytics
PROGRAM: SJSU Exchange – Okayama University, Japan
EMAIL: ryan.huynh02@sjsu.edu
BIO: I chose to study abroad for a variety of reasons. One of my main reasons for choosing to do this program was that I wanted to explore the world and do some soul searching in a sense. Doing things like living by myself, paying bills, and going to classes. Plus I get to learn how a country, such as Japan, operates and learn how to traverse it. Another reason why I choose to study abroad is that its been a life dream to study abroad in either a different state or country
LEADER, VOLUNTEER, OR JOB EXPERIENCES: I’ve done a lot of traveling and volunteer projects which I would say greatly contributed to my leadership abilities. I’ve taken a class where we spent a weekend participating and helping the locals perform the Tottori, Misasa festival. During the festival we would help the locals with each and every part of the preparation of the festival. Such as, preparing the driftwood, making “ties”, and assisting fellow participants with what to do in order to finish the preparations of the festival in time. For traveling with friends I would be the main person figuring out how to get to a certain destination. My friends would give me places they wanted to go to and I would be the one to figure how and when to go. For example, the address, which train to take, how long, etc.
GOALS: My main goal for studying abroad was learning how the country of Japan operates, both in the city and in the rural parts of Japan. Which I think now I have a very good understanding of the history, culture, and why its the way it currently is. Another goal they I’m really glad I learned was how to learn and adapt to visiting/living in another country. Since I’ve never lived in another country, outside of USA, for very long I wondered if I would have been able to adapt.

At a shrine in Kyoto
ACADEMICS: Extremely different compared to how academics works in USA, in Japan the first term is rather easy. With many holiday breaks and 3 day weekends. However, their is no break between 1st and 2nd term plus the pacing of the classes drastically changed. Instead of one chapter per week it was more like 1 chapter every 2 days. The main courses I took was introduction to Japanese 1, Reading and writing 1, and Comparative politics for both terms, except for Comparative politics which I only took for 1 term.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: My experience has greatly impacted my perspectives of the world because of all the connections I made with people from Burmese, Europe, Korea, and Japan. I have a completely different view of the world compared to when I only really lived in the states. Like their are so many benefits that countries such as Japan or Poland that we Americans have to pay for, but at the same time there are many things that at least for me living in Silicon Valley that I’m really grateful for. Such as the power of the USD and very high minimum wages compared to the rest of the world.
CAREER: One of the main skills I learned during my study abroad experience is how to plan. For example, when planning a trip to Osaka, Tokyo, etc. in order for efficient use of time and Maximum fun.
PERSONAL GROWTH: The biggest impact that this experience had on me was a combination of finding what I wanted to do with my life and making meaningful connections with people abroad. Living by myself and making new friends have really made me realize what I am capable of and what I would like my future to look like.
IDENTITIES: Being an mainly international student really changed the way Japanese people would approach me. First I have a tattoo so its one of 2 things; I’m either a yakuza member or a foreigner so Japanese people find it hard to approach me.
FUTURE: Studying abroad has prepared to meeting new people from all over the world, regardless of gender, race, religion, or nationality. Plus I’ve learned how to travel into a completely new country and figuring out how to navigate any particular country with minimal issues.
TIPS: I would advise future Global Spartans to take a chance, it might be the best choice of your life. But do balance between School work and Having fun.