Quinonez, Claudia (Academic Scheduling) is Stepping Beyond

“The amazing Academic Scheduling team of Michelle Liu, Carey Netzloff, Claudia Quinonez, and Sheri Tomisaka-Wong have stepped WAY BEYOND almost every day since COVID hit. Here are just a few examples of what they have done behind the scenes. Changed the mode one-by-one for about 6000 in-person classes to hybrid or fully online. They worked with FD&O to change the capacity for all university lecture rooms to meet social distancing requirements. They helped FD&O keep track of where and when every class or event is meeting in person. This is a very detailed and frustrating job. They changed the facility ID one-by-one for about 6000 sections from “TBD” to “online” because students were confused about where their classes were meeting. They renamed and revised the definitions of course modes to ensure that our international students can meet the ICE requirements. They revised course attributes and waitlist processes so that waitlists could stay on after the first day of class. They moved all of their open labs to online to support the department and college schedulers. They revised event/activity forms to gather information FD&O needs to ensure we are meeting Santa Clara County health guidelines. They put their forms into DocuSign to facilitate processing. And the list goes on.

While these superheroes were doing all of this EXTRA work to respond to COVID, they also redesigned and published their website in the new university template and revised all of the class notes so that they better fit on the new www.sjsu.edu/classes schedule of classes. All of this was done on laptops from their homes with tiny screens. Academic Scheduling is an outstanding team who always puts our students first. They are all superheroes in my book. THANK YOU Michelle, Carey, Claudia and Sheri!!” –Thalia Anagnos

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