4/30/14 – Special congratulations to Joy Franco (2013 Salzburg Scholar), who will be graduating from SJSU in May 2014 with a BS in Electrical Engineering and has been awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation to continue her studies. One of only 3 SJSU students/alumni selected for this prestigious award this year, she conducted research with Dr. Katherine Wilkinson, was funded by MARC/RISE for research at SJSU, and has been actively involved as an officer in the Society of Women Engineers. Joy will be attending Stanford University to pursue a Ph.D. in Engineering and Neuroscience. See the April edition of the Academic Affairs Newsletter for more information.
4/30/14 – Congratulations also to Andy Dang (2013 Salzburg Scholar), who will be graduating from SJSU in May 2014 with a BS in Chemistry and was one of only 4 SJSU students who received Honorable Mention in the competition for Graduate Research Fellowships awarded by the National Science Foundation. Andy conducted research with Dr. Joseph Pesek, was funded by the NSF Scholars in Science Program at SJSU, and has been an active member of LSAMP. Andy will be attending the University of Washington to pursue a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry. See the April edition of the Academic Affairs Newsletter for more information.