Cultural Showcase | Salzburg Scholars Club

4/17/14 @ 6:00-9:00 PM @ Student Union Ballroom – The Salzburg Scholars Club invites you to celebrate the rich cultural diversity we have here at San José State University!  Come and enjoy SJSU’s 1st annual Cultural Showcase featuring performances by various student groups who engage in cultural art forms as part of their focus.  This event will offer you a unique glimpse into the many cultural perspectives that can be found here at SJSU – featuring everything from Chinese, Mexican, and Eritrean music and dance to modern and contemporary ballet, traditional Filipino music, German, Italian and French opera, hip hop, and much, much more!  Bring your friends, bring a date, and join us for an evening of multicultural celebration!  Spartan Shops Street Eats will be selling fusion tacos outside of the Student Union.  See the attached flyer for more information, join the event on Facebook, or RSVP directly.


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