We are excited to be able to post up-to-date information for all students, alumni, faculty, staff and anyone who else who is interested in our Radio-Television-Film Program at San Jose State University. We welcome any news you would like to contribute. Please post a response or email our faculty so we can spread your good news.
If you are a student and you need advising, please see the faculty member assigned to you by the first letter of your last name:
A—C assigned to: Kimb Massey < Kimb.Massey@sjsu.edu >
D—G assigned to: Babak Sarrafan < Babak.Sarrafan@sjsu.edu >
H—M assigned to: Harry Mathias < Harry.Mathias@sjsu.edu >
N—R assigned to: Alison McKee < Alison.McKee@sjsu.edu >
S—Z assigned to: Scott Sublett < Scott.Sublett@sjsu.edu >