Cleaning Process

As a quick reminder OA’s are expected to keep the front desk cleanly and in order. There is a cleaning log in the OA shared drive to reference on when to clean and what to clean. Make sure you are checking the log every other day. We’ll send reminders for the first two weeks to help everyone remember.
Some notes:
  • Please clean and leave the desk how you want to find it next time you arrive to your next shift. We want to maintain a professional environment and a clean desk is paramount to this.
  • There are not small trash cans at each desk, but there are trash cans in every lobby. Utilize these trash cans.”  “There are no small trash cans at each desk, but there are trash cans in every lobby. Utilize these when removing litter.
  • In the cleaning log there is a page for every desk, please fill the log out properly.
Lastly, if you are running low on cleaning supplies, please contact us so we can replenish them. Happy cleaning and welcome back.

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